Functional Medicine Consultations

Functional Medicine is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that aims to identify and address the root cause(s) of illness. Functional medicine practitioners use a patient-centered approach, considering the interactions between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex chronic diseases. See below for an overview of what a functional medicine consultation typically involves.

Choose either a Discovery Consult or Full Consultation below

To get started, you can choose and book an appointment for either a Discovery Consult or a Full Consultation.

Discovery Consultation:

  • You want to explore your options and test the waters

  • You're not sure if functional medicine will help you

  • You'd like to meet and talk to Dr. Mittag before making a decision

  • You have specific questions about Dr. Mittag's functional medicine services

  • You have specific questions about your health issues or goals

A Discovery Consult is for anyone who is interested in functional medicine for themselves or a family member. This is a good way to meet Dr. Mittag, to test whether you are comfortable with him, and to get any questions that you may have answered.

There are no long term commitments when you schedule a Discovery Consult. Also, the Discovery Consult is time for you. There is no selling of services in the consult. The sole purpose is to serve your needs.

Preparation for your Discovery Consult:

There are no specific requirements for your Discovery Consult. But it will be helpful to you to write down your questions beforehand. After you make your appointment, you will receive a short form to complete where you can tell Dr. Mittag what your goal is for the consult.

Discovery Consults are 30 minutes in length and cost $95. You will be asked to pay for the consult when you make your appointment below. You are able to reschedule your appointment in the case of unexpected or unpredictable conflicts.

Full Consultations:

A Full Consultation is for anyone who has made the decision to use functional medicine to address their health issues. Scheduling a Full Consultation is like saying "I'm all in -- let's do this".

The Full Consultation is a four step process:

#1 Completion of online forms (health history, current complaints, prior lab test results, 3-day diet diary, medications and supplements being taken)

#2 Consultation with Dr. Mittag (45 minutes, Zoom or phone)

#3 Lab Testing (as needed)

#4 Lab Testing Interpretation and Treatment plan recommendations (30 minutes, Zoom or phone)

Completion of Forms:

Once you make an appointment for a Full Consultation you'll receive a link to an online form to complete (secure and HIPPA compliant). On the form you'll detail your health history, your symptoms by body area, your health habits and lifestyle (exercise, stress levels, sleep habits, et al), your prescriptive and over-the-counter medications, your supplements, a diet diary and your health goals.

It's a long form. But it gives Dr. Mittag a good starting point in his quest to determine what underlies your health complaints and how he can use functional medicine to restore your health. Dr. Mittag will review your completed form(s) before your consultation.

Consultation with Dr. Mittag (45 minutes):

During your first consultation both you and Dr. Mittag will be able to ask questions and get to know each other. You'll be able to ask questions about your health, about functional medicine and about the treatment process. Dr. Mittag will be able to ask you whatever questions necessary to clarify your health situation.

Lab Testing:

Dr. Mittag may suggest specific lab tests to figure out how best to improve your health. Any lab tests that are recommended are subject to your approval. All lab testing is charged directly to the patient by the recommended labs with payments due when the lab is ordered. This way patients can take advantage of wholesale lab pricing.

Lab results are sent to Dr. Mittag to be interpreted by him. Dr. Mittag then provides a copy of lab results to you.

Lab Testing Interpretation and Treatment Plan Recommendations (30 minutes):

If you have lab testing done, Dr. Mittag will interpret your labs and use your lab results plus the rest of the information he's gathered about you and your health, to put together a treatment plan for you.

Treatment plans include diet recommendations (foods to eat, foods to avoid), lifestyle recommendations (stress reduction, sleep habits, exercise) and specific treatment protocols (detoxification, gut healing, boosting metabolism).

The cost of the Full Consultation is $295. In summary, a full consultation includes the initial completion and review of health questionnaire forms; the 45 minute consultation with Dr. Mittag; recommendations for lab testing; a second session in which Dr. Mittag interprets and explains your lab test results, gives you a treatment plan and shows you how to follow it.

Follow Up Consultations(30 minutes):

Dr. Mittag may recommend a follow up consultation after your initial Full Consultation. Follow up consultations are usually monthly. Follow up consultations are scheduled for 15 or 30 minutes, and are $50 or $95, respectively. Follow up consultations are scheduled by Dr. Mittag.

Preparation for your Full Consultation:

To prepare for your Full Consultation you'll want to assemble your health records (health history, doctor's reports and diagnoses, lab results, list of medications, list of supplements taken). You'll also be asked to complete a diet diary. This can be done by monitoring your diet for three days or by recollecting what you've eaten the past three days.

Write down any questions that you have for Dr. Mittag.

When you make your appointment you'll be asked to choose a Zoom consult or a telephone consult. It is preferable to do a Zoom conference on your computer or cell phone. This way Dr. Mittag can get to know you better and collect more information about your health.

If you would like a spouse, family member or supportive friend to attend with you, this is fine.

Please plan ahead to be on time. Dr. Mittag will start your consultation at the exact time it is scheduled.

You can schedule your Full Consultation through the calendar below.

What is functional medicine?

Functional Medicine (FM) uses the investigative tools of modern science to identify the underlying cause(s) of illness and disease. After identifying the root causes of conditions such as fatigue, weight loss resistance, prediabetes and diabetes, autoimmune conditions and neurodegenerative disease, FM applies the principles of natural medicine to eliminate these root causes and restore health.

What is the difference between a conventional medicine and functional medicine?

Conventional medicine works to stabilize disease states and prevent their progression through drugs, surgery and other means.

Functional medicine (FM) works to remove the underlying causes of illness and allow the body to reassert a healthy state. FM uses stress reduction, sleep optimization, probiotics, detoxification, diet and nutrition, herbs and nutraceuticals, exercise and breathing to restore health.

How much does functional medicine cost?

The cost of functional medicine varies depending on your needs. Dr. Mittag offers both personal consultations and group coaching programs. Most clients find that the Metabolic Renewal Program with group coaching provides the guidance and support they need to accomplish their health goals.